Friday, July 16, 2010

Brysin turns 5!!!

Better late than never right? Warning: incredibly emotional momma post :-) So up until this year birthdays have been an absolute BLAST for my sweet Mr. Brysin. For some reason i'm having a much harder time with the fact that my first born is 5 than I ever thought I would. Not necessarily the age but that he will officially be a kindergartner in just a couple months. It's really really hard to grasp that concept. The weeks leading up to his birthday I couldn't stop thinking about the years that lead up to this one. Beginning with the moment I found out I was pregnant and calling David with such an excitement I literally thought I was going to burst. I was definitely one of the lucky few who had no morning sickness and had a pretty easy going laid back pregnancy. Then on the morning of June 11, 2005 it set in. I  was going to be a mommy! I was scheduled for an induction and after some negotiating was finally able to get all settled into Brysin's birth place. Apparently my pregnancy was so easy so that I could be well rested for what was to come. After 17 hours of long hard labor and a failed epidural (which was probably why the 17 hours seemed like an ETERNITY) I was blessed with a beatiful baby boy. Brysin Tae Gallegos born June 12, 2005 at 12:56 am. Weighing in at 8 pounds 2 onces and 22 inches long he was the most georgeous baby I had ever laid eyes on. Ya maybe i'm biased since i'm his mommy but boy did David and I ever do an amazing job. He was absolutely perfect in every way. I couldn't stop crying for sometime whenever I would look at him because I was so overwhelemed such an intense feeling of happiness it was unreal (and mostly due to the dramatic change in hormones)  I was/am eternally grateful to you, Brysin, for making me a mommy. So now the THAT part's out of the way maybe I can suck up the tears and finish haha. Through the past 5 years I have watched Brysin become such a wonderful big boy, big brother, teacher, student, adventurer, sports enthusiast, and most importantly he is such a wonderful son. When getting to know Brysin you will learn the following things:
- LOVES SPORTS! This kid was born to play ball whether it be soccer, baseball, football... you name it he's there!
- serious daddy's boy
- kind hearted and full of energy
- shy at first but quick to show off any skills he's got hiding up his sleeve
- WONDERFUL big brother
- full of jokes
- usually the "tattle-tail" in any given situation hehe
- a rugged boy through and through

Sportin his new Iron Man costume!
Playin "Pin the Tail on the Donkey" haha
Opening his new Iron Man costume.
Anxiously awaiting the signal to blow these bad boys out!
Whackin the piniata
Givin it his all :-)
The rewards for such effort :-)
Most of the kids who attended Brysin's birthday bash.

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